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Full History Of The Karate

  Karate is a martial art that originated in the Ryukyu Kingdom, which is present-day Okinawa, Japan. Its history spans several centuries and is deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of the region. In this response, I will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the history of karate, covering its origins, development, styles, key figures, and its journey to becoming a globally practiced martial art.   Origins of Karate :   The origins of karate can be traced back to ancient China, where martial arts systems like Kung Fu were developed. Around the 14th century , trade and cultural exchanges between China and the Ryukyu Kingdom led to the introduction of Chinese martial arts to Okinawa . These early forms of martial arts were eventually adapted and integrated with the local fighting techniques , giving birth to the precursor of karate .   Development in the Ryukyu Kingdom:   During the Ryukyu Kingdom era (15th to 19th centuries), the martial arts of Okinawa conti

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